The hierarchy and category names in your Mapping Perspective will depend on the defined member types and attributes of your deployed hub configuration. MappingPerspective内的分层结构和类别名取决于所部署的hub配置的已定义成员类型和属性。
Furthermore, you can invoke the parents'method to get the parent hierarchy of the specified type if the resources are based on the XML configuration files. 而且,如果资源是基于XML配置文件,则可以调用父节点的方法来获取指定类型的上级层次结构。
Research and Application of Hierarchy Model for Customers Demands Oriented to Construction Machinery Product Configuration 面向工程机械产品配置的客户需求分层模型研究及应用
Users can see individual screens when they navigate through an information hierarchy, tap different tabs in a tab bar, or tap an Info button to view flip-side configuration options. 当用户从上至下的浏览信息、点击不同的标签、或是点击按钮弹出配置页面,用户都将看到一个个独立的页面。
The Problem, Objective, Hierarchy and Strategy of Software Configuration Management 软件配置管理的问题、目的、层次和策略
However, the hierarchy objects reside in the folder hierarchies container, under an administrative group in the configuration directory partition. 但是,层次结构对象驻留在配置目录分区中的管理组下面的“文件夹层次结构”容器中。
Product Structure represent the hierarchy structure of the accessories and parts which are made up of the product, and Product Configuration is a process which make the product reality according to restriction relationship among the accessory, accessory set and part, part set defined in advance. 产品结构是描述组成一个产品的零件、零件集、部件、部件集及它们之间相互关系的层次结构模型,而产品配置则是根据一个预定义的产品结构来组成现实产品的过程。
The Radial Basis Function Neural Network Model for Freight Volume Forecast Based on Hierarchy Configuration Model 基于层次结构模型的RBF神经网络货运量预测方法
Meanwhile, the hierarchy of router system configuration management system directly determines the ease of application development based on this configuration system. 同时,路由器配置管理系统的体系层次结构直接决定着基于此配置系统应用程序开发的难易程度。
Than, gives out the design of router configuration system based on hierarchy of CMS, realize the structure of functional modules of PVC configuration, ADSL access mode configuration, DHCP parameter configuration, the router DNS address configuration, routing and forwarding configuration, router statistics configuration. 随后,给出了基于CMS层次结构的路由器配置系统设计方案,实现了PVC配置,ADSL接入方式配置,DHCP参数配置,路由器DNS地址配置,路由和转发配置,路由器统计信息配置功能模块的结构设计。
Based on the 'producer-consumer' property of the data access request handling, a memory hierarchy model is built using the queue theory to analyze the configuration of memory hierarchy and to guide the optimization of memory hierarchy. 根据数据访问请求处理的生产&消费特性,使用排队理论建立了一种存储层次评估模型,用于分析存储层次的配置,指导存储层次优化。
The results of the stimulation experiments show that comparing with hierarchy configuration cache system active network cache system in this dissertation has the advantages in cache hit ratio and respond time delay. 模拟结果显示本文设计的主动网络缓存系统相较于目前层式结构缓存系统在缓存命中率,响应时延方面都有较大的优势。